One of the most important aspects of keeping shrimp is the quality of the water. If the conditions aren't right then the shrimp won't survive let alone live long and healthy lives. I have read so much about water quality over the past year since going from muddling along with my two Orandas (and getting most of their care completely wrong up until now), and getting my second fish tank for the Platys.

I am really angry with myself for not doing my research four years ago when we decided to get a few goldfish for our boys (had I have done my research then we would never have brought any goldfish at all). I based it all on the fact that I had kept goldfish as a child. We used to win them at the fair, and would take them home and keep them in a tiny unfiltered fish bowl where they would last for a year or so if we were lucky and that the giant goldfish called Jaws that my mum had for about fifteen years (also a win at the the fair) was just a freak of nature. I assumed that was all they needed and that they were short lived, so didn't think twice when my kids asked for a fish. Now I know how much care and space they need and that they are not short lived at all I will never ever buy another goldfish (unless I have room for a big enough tank or a big garden pond).

Anyway, water quality is the key, and as I am hoping to breed my Blue Jelly Shrimp (as well as caring properly for the fish in my other two tanks) I needed to invest in the proper kit. I had tried using the test strips but they are not all that accurate (unless you want just a quick reading to see if anything is at odds), and I had brought a separate Ammonia test from API as this is one of the key problems that need to be prevented in a Shrimp tank. As the API tests are the best (that I have found anyway), I decided to invest in the API Freshwater Master Test Kit and found a great seller on ebay who was selling them for just £19.99 including postage which was a real bargain, (I used Specialist Marine Aquatics but there were several sellers at a similar price).

The test kit arrived yesterday and is really simple to use. I was really happy that the water tested perfectly so all is going well so far

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